May 6, 2022 0

It’s Our Money: Inflation And The Fed

It's Our Money
It's Our Money
It's Our Money: Inflation And The Fed

Inflation is the latest economic lament over whether the national economy is in good shape or in trouble. The topic is frequently oversimplified into monetary categories of either too much money in circulation or too few goods, with the Fed trying to resolve inflation with too few, and wrong, tools.

Our guest is the renowned economist Dr. Robert Hockett, who says that the Fed needs substantive revisions which mirror its earliest days in order to balance the demand (monetary) side of the supply/demand equation with supply (goods and services).

Bob and Ellen explore these historical and monetary principles in depth, engaging in subject matter that influences many more far-reaching economic concerns than just inflation.

First aired on It’s Our Money With Ellen Brown.

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About the author

Slavko: A Teller of Tall Tales


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