June 29, 2021 0

It’s Our Money: The Wealth Hoarders

It's Our Money
It's Our Money
It's Our Money: The Wealth Hoarders

Would you trade considerable inherited wealth to address the expansive systemic inequities generated by our financial system?

Our guest Chuck Collins did just that and has written a book on how dynasties of private wealth have secreted trillions of dollars in offshore assets by obscuring accounts and creating other types of subterfuge that are served by an extensive and exclusive professional category Collins calls “the wealth defense industry.”

His new book The Wealth Hoarders raises deep questions about the impact of extreme wealth on our economy and democracy.

Chuck Collins is a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, where he directs the Program on Inequality and coedits Inequality.org. His previous books include Born on Third Base and Wealth and Our Commonwealth (with Bill Gates Sr.).

First aired on It’s Our Money With Ellen Brown.

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About the author

Slavko: A Teller of Tall Tales


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