The waging of a perpetual economic and social war against an actual or manufactured enemy has been marketed to the masses through a process that political commentator and author Walter Lippmann once called “the manufacturing of consent”. As a concept first articulated in Lippmann’s seminal book Public Opinion published in 1922, it’s central proposition argued that only through the power of propaganda judiciously employed by a specialized class of “well-informed” elites in shaping public policy, could a cohesive society be effectively organized around specific goals that best serve the political class.
Lippmann – a charter member of the Council on Foreign Relations, believed that such a program would have the disrupting effect of rendering the notion of a “traditional democracy” of “omnicompetent citizenry” obsolete.
To put it in another way, “only the well-informed” politically connected class should ideally be the decision-makers, and not the lumpen proletariat who are de facto ignorant in such matters and are ultimately incapable of intuitively perceiving and accurately interpreting a functioning democracy. Later in life Lippmann became more skeptical of his “guiding class” hypothesis, and even published a book titled “The Public Philosophy” wherein he presented a sophisticated argument that intellectual elites were undermining the framework of democracy, a position then [as well as now] not well received by the corporate establishment.
This Forever War, purportedly being waged for the benefit of civilization by an enlightened class of elites which we can now identify as the corporatist state, enabled by the neoliberal policies and practices of Free Market Capitalism and funded through its privately-held agencies on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, as with all wars, has instead inflicted immeasurable collateral damage on any notion of public citizenry, omnicompetent or otherwise, over and above the considerable physical toll of lives lost, dreams unrealized, promises unfulfilled, futures abandoned or altered, and precious resources wasted. We must add to this ledger, which we can dub The Neoliberal Book of the Dead, the cumulative tally of society’s inexorably altered realities; our unrealized social, economic, spiritual, and cultural covenant both with our children and ourselves, if we are to properly evaluate the impact of invasive strategies such as the use of propaganda employed by the contemporaries of Lippmann’s intelligentsia whom have exploited the mass media as a tool for molding public opinion, manufacturing consent, and turning the objects of such brain-washing programs into willing enablers for their own deprivation. There is an old saying, long attributed to Theodore Roosevelt:
“If you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow”.

Thomas Piketty
Now, thanks to Thomas Piketty, the vast chasm of economic disparity, the product of prolonged economic class warfare, waged against the social strata in order to promote dependency, confusion and to suppress dissent, has been brought to light and exposed to scrutiny, and with the climate clock ticking down to midnight toward what Naomi Klein terms “Decade Zero”, those among the “guiding class” are loudly blaming “terrorists” and everyone else but themselves.
“The manufacture of foreign crisis and war hysteria has been used since the beginning of history to suppress threats to class rule. The crooked politicians may work for the “special interests” domestically, but when those same politicians engineer a war it is a matter of loyalty to “our country”. Foreign war is a very useful tool for manipulating the popular mind and keeping the domestic population under control. War is the easiest way to shift vast, unaccountable new powers to the Corporate State. People are most uncritically obedient at the very time they need to be most vigilant.” —Noam Chomsky